liquefaction dcl processes and technology for coal and biomass conversion

Recent Advances in Direct Coal Liquefaction

Recent Advances in Direct Coal Liquefaction

WEBDownloadable! The growing demand for petroleum, accompanied by the declining petroleum reserves and the concerns over energy security, has intensified the interest in direct coal liquefaction (DCL), particularly in countries such as China which is rich in coal resources, but short of petroleum. In addition to a general introduction on the .

Direct Coal Liquefaction | SpringerLink

Direct Coal Liquefaction | SpringerLink

WEBThis paper presents a brief state of the art review of direct coal liquefaction. The review includes important pilot scale processes available for the liquefaction an a brief description of the structure of coal and the chemistry, mechanism and available lumped kinetic models for the liquefaction process. It also includes some discussions on ...

Direct Liquefaction

Direct Liquefaction

WEBDirect liquefaction recovers oil from the raw material by extraction and/or conversion. The term 'recovery' is used in the broadest sense of the word, since most direct liquefaction processes also entail some form of conversion. The oil recovered from a direct liquefaction process usually retains some of the character of the raw material.

Recent advances in direct coal liquefaction

Recent advances in direct coal liquefaction

WEBIn addition to a general introduction on the mechanisms and processes of DCL, this paper overviews some recent advances in DCL technology with respect to the influencing factors for DCL reactions (temperature, solvent, pressure, atmospheres, etc.), the effects of coal pretreatments for DCL (swelling, thermal treatment, hydrothermal treatment ...

Direct Coal Liquefaction: Low Temperature Dissolution Process

Direct Coal Liquefaction: Low Temperature Dissolution Process

WEBFeb 5, 2014 · Abstract. The frontend design of a direct coal liquefaction process for the conversion of lignite into coal liquids by solvent extraction was investigated. The experimental work focused on ...

Converting brown coal to synthetic liquid fuels through direct coal ...

Converting brown coal to synthetic liquid fuels through direct coal ...

WEBAug 19, 2020 · The main objective of this paper is to carry out a techno‐economic evaluation for the direct coal liquefaction (DCL) process based on the two primary conversion options under consideration: (a) alytic coal liquefaction (CCL) – the use of non‐donor solvents with added hydrogen pressure and (b) thermal coal liquefaction .

Reaction Engineering of Direct Coal Liquefaction

Reaction Engineering of Direct Coal Liquefaction

WEBOct 29, 2009 · Direct coal liquefaction has been studied and practiced since the 1930s. It was used in Germany during World War II to produce synthetic fuels when there was no oil allowed into the country. Since then, it has been studied in the United States and many different technologies have been investigated. Since the US is rich in coal resources, .

Converting brown coal to synthetic liquid fuels through direct coal ...

Converting brown coal to synthetic liquid fuels through direct coal ...

WEBAug 19, 2020 · The main objective of this paper is to carry out a technoeconomic evaluation for the direct coal liquefaction (DCL) process based on the two primary conversion options under consideration: (a) alytic coal liquefaction (CCL) – the use of nondonor solvents with added hydrogen pressure and (b) thermal coal liquefaction .

Thermal Conversion of Biomass | SpringerLink

Thermal Conversion of Biomass | SpringerLink

WEBJun 3, 2022 · Status of Biomass Combustion Technology. Biomass combustion is applied in many situations, for example, cooking or heating in, producing steam or hot oil for industrial process, and power generation in utility power plant. In general, biomass is a process of solid combustion and a typical gas–solid chemical reaction.

Life cycle assessment of emerging coal conversion ...

Life cycle assessment of emerging coal conversion ...

WEBNov 1, 2022 · The cofeeding of coal and biomass and integrating high and lowtemperature processes can significantly improve the environmental performance of ICL [21], [22]. Coal to fuel ethanol (CTFE) is considered a promising substitute for gasoline in vehicles, but its environmental performances are much worse than those of fuel .

Optimizing the physical parameters to achieve maximum

Optimizing the physical parameters to achieve maximum

WEBNov 1, 2017 · Coliquefaction technology of coal and biomass waste in preparation of oil has gained rapid increase in research interest [5]. Previous studies suggested a few benefits of the process. Firstly, the process can make use of hydrogen in biomass completely and thus reducing the hydrogen consumption and moderating the conditions .

Technoeconomic analysis of direct coalbiomass to liquids (CBTL ...

Technoeconomic analysis of direct coalbiomass to liquids (CBTL ...

WEBMar 1, 2017 · With appropriate product upgrading, synthetic fuels produced from the DCL process can be directly used in the current motor engines. However, similar to other coal liquefaction processes, the DCL process has not been widely commercialized mainly because of economic uncertainty, high CO 2 emission, and high capital cost [1], [2].

Catalysts for coal conversions of the next generation

Catalysts for coal conversions of the next generation

WEBFeb 1, 2000 · Maximum conversion (98%) and maximum oil + gas yield (70%) from this coal were obtained by impregnating AHM onto coal and carrying out liquefaction in H2/tetralin system at 450 °C for 30 min.

Thermochemical conversion of biomass: Potential future prospects

Thermochemical conversion of biomass: Potential future prospects

WEBNov 1, 2023 · The thermochemical conversion of biomass, including liquefaction, torrefaction, pyrolysis, and gasifiion technologies, has attracted worldwide attention because these processes can convert biomass into alternative, sustainable, and ecofriendly fuels, such as biochar, biooil, and H 2 rich gas. However, there are some .

Coal Conversion Processes, Gasifiion | Semantic Scholar

Coal Conversion Processes, Gasifiion | Semantic Scholar

WEBNov 15, 2002 · Coal gasifiion is presented in terms of the chemistry of coal conversion and the product gas characteristics, the historical development of coal gasifiers, variations in the types and performance of coal gasifiers, the configuration of gasifiion systems, and the status and economics of coal gasifiion. In many ways, coal gasifiion .

Synthetic fuel production by indirect coal liquefaction

Synthetic fuel production by indirect coal liquefaction

WEBDec 1, 2003 · This paper reports detailed process designs and cost assessments for production of clean liquid fuels (methanol and dimethyl ether) by indirect coal liquefaction (ICL). Gasifiion of coal pro ...

Physicochemical structure and combustion properties of

Physicochemical structure and combustion properties of

WEBJan 1, 2017 · Direct coal liquefaction (DCL) is one of the major technologies for alytic conversion of coal to obtain liquid fuels via hydrogenation and heteroatom removal [3][4] [5]. DCL residue mainly ...

An overview of conversion of residues from coal liquefaction processes ...

An overview of conversion of residues from coal liquefaction processes ...

WEBOct 1, 2013 · Liquefaction of coal is a process whereby the macromolecular structure of coal is broken down by the addition of a solvent under moderate temperature and pressure to produce clean liquid fuels [1 ...

An overview of conversion of residues from coal liquefaction processes ...

An overview of conversion of residues from coal liquefaction processes ...

WEBMar 18, 2013 · The conversion of these DCL residues to lighter, highvalue products is an important step in helping to make this technology both commercially viable and environmentally acceptable. This paper provides an overview of the physicochemical characteristics and processing options available for coal liquefaction residues and .

Liquefaction of Hongliulin coal asphaltenes and conversion of .

Liquefaction of Hongliulin coal asphaltenes and conversion of .

WEBFeb 15, 2024 · Based on the multistage liquefaction process, asphaltene was prepared from Hongliulin coal and deeply liquefied with NiCoMo, CoMo, and Fe2 O 3 alysts. The yields of each component were obtained. Ultimate analysis, FTIR and XPS was used to investigate the conversion of oxygenic structure. The results showed that the ability .

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