coal tar pitch production process

Biopitch as a binder in carbon anodes for aluminum production: .

Biopitch as a binder in carbon anodes for aluminum production: .

WEBSep 1, 2020 · Biopitch, driven from biomass, is a potential green alternative of coaltarpitch in the production of carbon anodes for the aluminum electrolysis process. Information on the wetting capacity of b...

Methods for the preparation of coaltar pitch | Solid Fuel .

Methods for the preparation of coaltar pitch | Solid Fuel .

WEBAug 14, 2015 · The production of tar pitches and binding agents for the manufacture of highquality carbon materials is considered. The progressive scarcity of coaltar pitch is noted. The necessity of a search for new sources of raw materials and alternative methods for the production of coaltar pitch substitutes is substantiated. The capabilities of .

Synthetic and Industrial CoalTar Pitch and Pitch Coke

Synthetic and Industrial CoalTar Pitch and Pitch Coke

WEBNov 28, 2022 · The most common highcarbon precursors used in steeping are coaltar pitch and, less frequently, petroleum pitch and synthetic pitch [4, 5].Recently, researchers outside Russia have considered the production of carbon–carbon composites not only from coaltar pitch and petroleum pitch [] but from alternatives such as thermoreactive .

Mesophase development in petroleum and coaltar pitches and .

Mesophase development in petroleum and coaltar pitches and .

WEBAug 1, 2003 · However, the QI removal (or extraction) process is known to be strenuous and complied 2 of 8 due to the complexity of the coal tar pitch composition and the requirement of delie process ...

Thermal Polycondensation Process and Oil Furnace Production

Thermal Polycondensation Process and Oil Furnace Production

WEBJan 1, 2021 · The main attention is paid to the characteristics of petroleum pitch, its properties, its comparison with coaltar pitch, the advantages of petroleum pitch in comparison to coaltar pitch, the ...

IRIS Toxicological Review of Benzo[A]Pyrene (Final Report)

IRIS Toxicological Review of Benzo[A]Pyrene (Final Report)

WEBJan 30, 2017 · In addition, there is strong evidence of carcinogenicity in occupations involving exposure to PAH mixtures containing benzo[a]pyrene, such as aluminum production, chimney sweeping, coal gasifiion, coaltar distillation, coke production, iron and steel founding, and paving and roofing with coal tar pitch.

Mesophase from a coal tar pitch: a Raman spectroscopy study

Mesophase from a coal tar pitch: a Raman spectroscopy study

WEBJun 20, 2002 · The results indie that Raman spectroscopy can be employed to monitor the process of production of mesophase spherules from coal tar pitches by studying the degree of structural order of the resultant product. ... (HS) content in refined coal tar pitch (RCTP) on the preparation of needle coke (NC), a series of RCTP with different HS .

Thermal Polycondensation Process and Petroleum Pitch Production

Thermal Polycondensation Process and Petroleum Pitch Production

WEBJun 19, 2021 · The urgency and expediency of promotion of petroleum pitch production and introduction of thermal polycondensation process in Russia are underscored. Discover the world's research 25+ million members

Valueadded utilization of hightemperature coal tar: A review

Valueadded utilization of hightemperature coal tar: A review

WEBMay 15, 2021 · The utilization direction of coal tar pitch was elaborated in detail. ... while the latter is a byproduct from coal coking process [1]. The output of coal tar accounts for 3–5% of coals in the ... 300 kt/a coal tar deep processing project completed trial production (joint venture) 2006: Shaanxi Coal Industry Chemical Group Shenmu .

Theoretical and experimental approach of fuel gas and carbon .

Theoretical and experimental approach of fuel gas and carbon .

WEBNov 5, 2021 · The thermal plasma system shows high efficiency in conversion CTP into highvalueadded products and the composition of gas produced and energy costs were estimated theoretically for the CTP pyrolysis and gasifiion processes with two oxidant: oxygen and water vapor. ABSTRACT The processing of coal tar pitch (CTP) to .

Recent advancement in coal tar pitchbased carbon fiber .

Recent advancement in coal tar pitchbased carbon fiber .

WEBSep 1, 2021 · Heat treatment of coal tar pitch is most common among all the methods. In this section, several pitch modifiion processes both for isotropic pitch and mesophase pitch is discussed. Pitch modifiion process can be egorized by heat treatment method or by chemical treatment method. All these processes are described in detail. .

Biobased tar pitch produced from biomass pyrolysis oils

Biobased tar pitch produced from biomass pyrolysis oils

WEBJun 15, 2022 · Coal tar pitch acts as a binder in smelting anodes for aluminum production, which contributes significantly to the fossilbased CO 2 production globally. In an effort to reduce the carbon footprint of these processes, we synthesized a renewable biopitch based on biomass pyrolysis.

Process for the manufacture of coaltar pitch

Process for the manufacture of coaltar pitch

WEBThe process of manufacturing coaltar pitch from a coaltar obtained by distillation of coal in a fluidized bed; comprising the steps of forming a mixture at a temperature of 100 C. of equal weights of anthracene oil and said coaltar, and distilling said mixture under a pressure of 18 mm. of mercury until the residue reaches a K. S. softening ...

Coal Tar

Coal Tar

WEBCoal Tar. L. Roberts, in Encyclopedia of Toxicology (Third Edition), 2014 Background (Significance/History) Coal tar is a complex hydrocarbon mixture produced by thermal destruction (pyrolysis) of coal, typically a dark viscous liquid or semisolid with a smoky or naphthenic odor. The composition of coal tar will be influenced by the process used for .

Production of monodisperse spherical mesophase from coal tar pitch .

Production of monodisperse spherical mesophase from coal tar pitch .

WEBMar 15, 2023 · from coal tar and petroleum pitch. Due to its unique proper. ties, it is the primary raw material for battery anode, syn. thetic graphite, and needle coke binder production. There are. three ...

Coal tar production processes and potential of PAHs release .

Coal tar production processes and potential of PAHs release .

WEBDec 4, 2019 · They revealed that an increase in the carbonization temperature and coal preheating produced similar effects on tar and pitch composition, leading to a reduction in methylsubstituted PAHs, non ...

PitchLike Products Obtained by the Thermal Solution of Coal in ...

PitchLike Products Obtained by the Thermal Solution of Coal in ...

WEBFeb 6, 2024 · Coaltar pitch is a viscoelastic material consisting of aromatic hydrocarbons. It is isotropic, but may become anisotropic on heating [].In the production of carbon fibers, mesophase coal pitch is of most value, on account of its ability to melt without rupture of the fibers [1, 2].Such pitch is characterized by a thermotropic crystal, which facilitates .

Aluminium smelters stung by the escalating costs of carbon .

Aluminium smelters stung by the escalating costs of carbon .

WEBFeb 9, 2023 · Coal tar is a byproduct of the BOF process, which is increasingly losing share to the EAF process, thereby decreasing the potential supply for coal tar. In the case of coal tar pitch, Ukraine is a major supplier of both coal tar and coal tar pitch into Europe, and the war is creating supply tightness. Nonetheless, tight coal tar supply ...

Hightemperature synthesis of pitch | Coke and Chemistry

Hightemperature synthesis of pitch | Coke and Chemistry

WEBJun 3, 2017 · The heat treatment of the anthracene fraction of coal tar under pressure is considered. In the production of synthetic pitch, the duration of the process is varied from 10 to 80 min, at a temperature of 500°C and a pressure of 3 MPa. Kinetic data for the formation of γ and α1 fractions show that the polycondensation of the γ fraction is of .

Theoretical and experimental approach of fuel gas and carbon .

Theoretical and experimental approach of fuel gas and carbon .

WEBNov 5, 2021 · Therefore, coal tar pitch (CTP), a byproduct of the coal tar distillation process, is an abundant source for the production of syngas and carbon nanomaterial due to its polycyclic aromatic ...

CoalTar Pitch Coke

CoalTar Pitch Coke

WEBApr 16, 2021 · Pitch coke (PC) is manufactured by the carbonization at temperature equal to or higher than approximately 450 °C of coaltar pitch as a raw material withdrawn from the bottom of a distillation column in which coal tar is described. The majority of PC is processed for making a carbon or graphite electrode. PC is used as a raw material to ...

CoalTarBased Pavement Sealcoat, PAHs, and Environmental Health

CoalTarBased Pavement Sealcoat, PAHs, and Environmental Health

WEBMar 1, 2019 · Coal tar and coaltar pitch, both used in sealcoat products, have extremely high concentrations of PAHs, and both are classified as known human carcinogens. Coaltarbased sealcoat products typically are 20 to 35 percent coal tar or coaltar pitch. Asphalt and asphaltbased sealcoat products have much lower concentrations of PAHs.

Theoretical and experimental approach of fuel gas and carbon .

Theoretical and experimental approach of fuel gas and carbon .

WEBThe processing of coal tar pitch (CTP) to produce clean fuel gas and carbon black (CB) is studied in a plasma reactor equipped with a directcurrent plasma torch. The composition of the gas produced and energy costs were estimated theoretically for the CTP pyrolysis and gasifiion processes by two oxidants, namely oxygen and water vapor.

Coal tarpitch derived porous carbons with zinc oxide ...

Coal tarpitch derived porous carbons with zinc oxide ...

WEBMay 10, 2024 · This simplifies the synthesis process by reducing chemical usage and fosters lower energy consumption (one step), enabling commercially viable and environmentally friendly carbon production. Herein, we extend this onepot strategy to produce hierarchical porous carbon (HPCs) materials from cheap coal tarpitch (CTP) .

Mesophase pitchbased high performance carbon fiber production .

Mesophase pitchbased high performance carbon fiber production .

WEBJun 1, 2024 · Mild direct coal liquefaction (autogenous pressure, no alyst, no H 2 gas) of Springfield coal in fluid alytic cracking decant oil is shown to effectively produce coal extract precursors to spinnable mesophase pitch. This work demonstrates that the coal extract can be thermally treated to obtain mesophase pitch in a facile onestep .

Preparation of formed coke product as a coke substitute using a .

Preparation of formed coke product as a coke substitute using a .

WEBAug 15, 2023 · In addition, coal tar pitch has a similar composition to coke breeze and low impurity content, making it an optimal binder for preparing formed coke products using coke breeze [9], [21], [28], [29], [30]. However, the binding of coal tar pitch is poor until it is heated to a molten state, which makes its utilization process too complied [31 ...

Preparation of Mesophase Pitch through Supercritical Fluid .

Preparation of Mesophase Pitch through Supercritical Fluid .

WEBFeb 2, 2024 · This paper explores the preparation of mesophase pitch by employing supercritical fluid extraction on coal tar pitch sourced from a coal chemical company. The raw material undergoes pretreatment using various extraction solvents, and the resulting refined components are thermally polycondensed in a laboratory microreactor to create .

Direct Production of Coal Tar Pitch |

Direct Production of Coal Tar Pitch |

WEBThe coal volatiles are collected and processed as various salable products. The basic process has been evaluated at the pilot scale and is ready for commercial appliion. It is envisioned that highquality coal tar pitch can be produced directly from the process, avoiding costly postprocessing of tar which is the common practice.

The Aluminum Smelting Process and Innovative Alternative .

The Aluminum Smelting Process and Innovative Alternative .

WEBMay 8, 2014 · The industrial aluminum production process is addressed. The purpose is to give a short but comprehensive description of the electrolysis cell technology, the raw materials used, and the health and safety relevance of the process. ... In addition, the carbon anodes contain 13 to 16 wt% coal tar pitch to be used as a binder material, ...

Xylene activation of coal tar pitch binding characteristics for ...

Xylene activation of coal tar pitch binding characteristics for ...

WEBJul 1, 2016 · Coal tar pitch with the advantages of low price, lower impurity content and the same elementary composition as coke is the most commonly used binder for the production of briquettes from coke breeze. However, coal tar pitch has little cohesiveness before being heated to melting state and the carbonization must be operated at high .